Information technology resources
The Program has access to the CEUNES high-performance cluster.
The cluster is made up of 16 machines, 1 gigabit switches. Of the 16 machines, one is used for logging in and compiling programs called Frontend and 15 machines for calculation. Each of the 15 machines in the Cluster has 2 quadcore Intel Xeon processors (8 cores), with the 15 calculation nodes having 32 GB of RAM, and the login and maintenance machines (Frontend), 32 GB of RAM and 3.8 TB of storage. All machines are interconnected with a Gigabit Ethernet switch.
Resources available to use the work
There are 264 CPUs (slots) available for use, of which 24 CPUs are used exclusively by the Front-End. Available for use are 240 CPUs (slots).
Total memory (distributed) = 503.5 GB