The Laboratories are located in an 807.10 m2 building dedicated entirely to the teaching and research activities of the Postgraduate Program in Energy. The location of the Program Building on the UFES Campus São Mateus-ES can be accessed on Google maps using the link
Opened in 2013, the Laboratories occupy an area of 409 m2 of the total 807.10 m2 of the program building. These are divided into 6 laboratories: 1) High performance computing; 2) Sample preparation and chemical analysis; 3) Characterization of Materials; 4) Renewable Energy; 5) Experimental Units- Energy Efficiency and 6) Experimental Units-Oil and Gas.
- High Performance Computing Laboratory
The High Performance Computing Laboratory (LCAD) aims to meet the demands of high performance computing infrastructure for Energy research projects that involve highly complex numerical simulation and intense processing. As an example, these are simulations that aim to solve flows using tools called CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The LCAD infrastructure consists of the following equipment:
-4 DELL Optiplex Personal Computers
-2 DELL Vostro computers
-2 DELL XPS Workstations
-1 Cluster Rocks with 256 cores
Coordinator: Prof. Daniel da Cunha Ribeiro
- Sample Preparation and Chemical Analysis Laboratory
LaPAQui is involved in research in the areas of petroleum, biodegradation, re-refining and the environment. The projects are aimed at developing innovative methodologies for: (i) reuse of lubricating oils, (ii) breaking of the oil/water emulsion of formation water (ultrasound). Other projects work on (i) chemical characterization of oil, (ii) study of macromolecules present in oil and (iii) study of oil compatibility. In the environmental area, projects study the presence of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in different types of environmental samples. The laboratory has partnerships with other laboratories at UFES and UFSM. The laboratory has the following equipment: two chromatographs, one gas and one ion, particle analyzer (mastersizer 2000), a thermogravimetric analyzer, a digital densimeter, titration (potentiometry) and titrino (Kalr Fischer titrant). In addition to having general use equipment such as scales, water bath, refrigerator, centrifuge. The Sample Preparation and Chemical Analysis Laboratory (LaPAQui) of PPGEN/CEUNES/UFES seeks to promote the training of qualified professionals, promoting regional development and creating opportunities in the interior of the State of Espírito Santo. LaPaQui is accredited with SIPED (ANP Research and Development Investment System -, available on 30 /01/2018; RESEARCH GROUP IN PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING OF OIL, GAS AND RENEWABLE ENERGIES/GPETRO/UFES Accreditation Number 0317/2014). The Laboratory has Members and/or coordinators of Research Groups accredited in the Directory of Research Groups of the CNPQ (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development): Industrial Technology Research Group (UFES); Industrial, Toxicological and Environmental Analysis Group (Partnership with the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM); Research Group at the Renewable Energy, Oil and Gas Center (NERPGAS), at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES).
Coordinator: Prof. Maria de Fátima Pereira dos Santos
- Material Characterization Laboratory I and II
It is a laboratory focused on heat treatments and physical characterization of materials, with special emphasis on optical and electrical properties. It contains two muffle furnaces, one capable of reaching 1400 ºC and the other capable of reaching 1200 ºC, a UV-Vis spectrometer and a Lock In. In operation, a Fourrier Transform Infrared spectrometer and an X-ray diffractometer. to have general use equipment such as scales, muffle furnace, refrigerator and ball mill. A zeta potential was acquired by research project.
The laboratory is open to all CEUNES researchers, with preference to those from PGEN, with studies currently being carried out in the areas of materials, chemistry, physics, chemical engineering and renewable energy.
Coordinator: Prof. Paulo Sérgio da Silva Porto
- Oil and Gas Experimental Units Laboratory I and II
This laboratory aims to allocate experimental benches, designed by the program's students, with the purpose of studying phenomena of interest in the energy area, in the context of the line of research in Oil, Gas and Renewable Energies. Typical experiments will allow the study of, for example: identification of flow patterns, measurement of pressure losses in equipment and accessories, development of different geometries aimed at greater efficiency in the separation processes of emulsions typical of the petroleum industry, conventional and advanced recovery of oil in porous media, visualization of instabilities at the oil/displacing fluid interface (Helle-Shaw cell), displacement of fluids in straight capillaries and with constrictions, efficiency of cuttings removal, formation of grout on the well wall, growth of the oil deposit paraffin inside pipes, leak detection in pipes, flow in annular spaces. This laboratory also carries out research related to the intensification of typical processes in the oil, gas and renewable energy industries. In 2018, this laboratory received equipment called a water/oil separation pilot plant.
Coordinator: Prof. Ana Paula Meneguelo
- Laboratory of Experimental Energy Efficiency Units I and II
This laboratory consists of process equipment. The objective is to study and evaluate the energy efficiency of chemical processes using a multidisciplinary approach. The laboratory has conical and fluidized spouted bed experimental units. Pressure and temperature sensors of this experimental apparatus are connected to the data acquisition system. The system consists of a data acquisition board and a computer. This unit allows studying the fluid dynamics of waste, aiming to apply these beds as pyrolytic reactors. The research projects being developed at the Laboratories allow the valorization of industrial by-products, through thermochemical transformation into products with greater energy value. It has a pyrolysis oven, a wind tunnel dryer, scales, knife mill and set of sieves.
Coordinator: Prof. Taisa Shimosakai de Lira
- Renewable Energy Laboratory I and II
These laboratories support research regarding the production of energy from renewable sources and the efficient use of such energy. The Renewable Energy laboratory I, in partnership with the Energy Studies and Research Center (NEPE, ) at IFES/São Mateus, focuses on the production and efficient use of electrical energy from of solar and wind sources, based on the Smart Grid concept. The Renewable Energy II laboratory aims to develop research into energy production from biomass. The projects developed are mainly focused on enzymatic technologies for the production of biofuels, such as biodiesel and second generation alcohol.
Coordinator: Prof. Wanderley Cardoso Celeste- Renewable Energy I
Coordinator: Prof. Laura Marina Pinotti - Renewable Energy II