Integração com a graduação

Since the beginning of its activities in April 2011, the postgraduate program in Energy has sought synergy between the undergraduate courses at CEUNES, namely: Chemical Engineering, Production Engineering, Computer Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Chemistry and Physics.

The Program in partnership with the student chapter Ufes + Energia Ufes has been developing webinars since April 1st motivated by the difficulties presented by COVID-19. The lives are free and last 1 hour, normally at 6pm or 7pm and can be accessed via the link:

In the program, undergraduate students participate in integrative research projects and develop scientific initiation and course completion work, generating scientific production with convergence in two or more areas of knowledge that are part of the program's area of concentration.

Also noteworthy is the collaborative performance of Master's students in Scientific Initiation and Course Completion work.

Annually, the Program's teachers participate in the PIIC Notice – UFES's institutional scientific initiation program available on the [PRPPG] website (, where scientific initiation projects are selected.

For each year of this four-year period, the program presents the following list of scientific initiation students per program teacher:

  • Ratio of scientific initiation students per program teacher:
    2017 (3.2); 2018 (3.0); 2019 (2.2); 2020 (2.2)
  • Ratio of scientific initiation students per PERMANENT professor of the program:
    2017 (3.4); 2018(3.2); 2019 (2.1); 2020 (1.9)

Teacher Internship:

In 2012, the teaching internship was implemented based on the model proposed in 2011, which follows the Ordinance of CAPES No - 76, OF APRIL 14, 2010.

The master's student will follow the academic activities of the professor responsible for the subject during graduation with the consent of his/her advisor on the internship request form.

The master's student will be able to develop activities such as: seminar presentations, teach (in a supervised manner) a topic from the discipline's program syllabus and act as a collaborator in course completion work. Monitoring reports highlight the positive results of the activities carried out.

The teaching internship is mandatory for all scholarship students.

In April 2017, Resolution 31/2017 of the Departmental Council, Centro Universitário was published North of Espírito Santo (Ceunes) at UFES, Campus São Mateus-ES.

This regulated the teaching internship for all Postgraduate programs at UFES campus São Mateus-ES.

From April 2017, the program follows the procedures for carrying out and monitoring teaching internships in subjects offered by undergraduate courses at CEUNES/UFES Campus São Mateus-ES.

The website of the Unified Postgraduate Secretariat SUPGRAD contains the [model of teaching internship request form](https://posgraduacao.saomateus.ufes. br/sites/ and the [internship completion report template]

Regarding use of credits, if the activities carried out total 15 hours, this is equivalent to 1 credit; 30 hours, 2 credits; 45 hours, 3 credits and 60 hours, 4 credits.
The minimum workload of activities for CAPES scholarship holders is 15 hours.

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