General Information

Welcome to Postgraduate Program in Energy (PPGEN) at Ufes

The Postgraduate Program in Energy aims to train qualified human resources at Master's level to study the production and processing of energy, oil and gas, as well as developing energy-efficient materials, technologies and processes.

In a complementary manner, the Program is based on the following specific objectives:

  1. Bring together researchers with training in the area of Engineering and Exact Sciences, who can contribute to a Postgraduate program in Energy, based on interdisciplinarity between areas of Engineering/Technology/Management.
  2. Develop research, focusing on solving regional and national problems concerning the chemical industry and the energy sector.
  3. Qualify human resources to work in the areas of development and research, as well as for secondary and higher education;
  4. Carry out advanced studies, develop and execute research projects in the area of Engineering, technology and management, seeking to develop new materials, technologies and improve processes aimed at the production and processing of oil, gas and energy;
  5. Generate and consolidate research and scientific production, through the training of researchers, teachers and other qualified professionals to work in the area of Engineering, Technology and Management.

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The program is based in São Mateus-ES, offering the course of Postgraduate Program in Energy since 2011 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 3 on its last evaluation.

The program already has 138 masters and counts with 45 students regularly enrolled, being 29 in the masters and 16 in the doctorate.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910