Solidarity, nucleation and visibility


In this four-year period (2017 to 2020), the following permanent professors of the program participated in other postgraduate programs.

The Prof. George Ricardo Santana Andrade participates with a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering at the Federal University of Sergipe
Start: 2019 - In progress.

The Prof. Rodrigo Randow de Freitas participates as a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Public Management at the Federal University of Espírito Santo
Start: 2017 - In progress

The Prof. Paulo Sérgio da Silva Porto participated as a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education at the Federal University of Espírito Santo
Start: 2017 – Conclusion: 2018

The Prof. Gisele de Lorena Diniz Chaves participates as a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Public Management at the Federal University of Espírito Santo
Start: 2018 - In progress


In 2019, graduates of the Postgraduate Program in Energy at UFES (PPGEN/UFES), Campus São Mateus-ES, together with other teachers from the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes) – Campus São Mateus-ES, developed a proposal for Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Energy Efficiency. Approval Ordinance - Ordinance No. 944, of April 16, 2019 (

The Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Energy Efficiency developed by PPGEN graduates is structured to promote the qualification of professionals in the field of engineering, technology and management, with a focus on Industrial Energy Efficiency. Details about the news published 3/05/2019 can be found at

The detailed proposal for the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Program in Energy Efficiency can be accessed at
The Postgraduate Program in Energy Efficiency at Ifes – Campus São Mateus- ES, has the participation of 13 teachers, with 30% of the teaching staff coming from the Postgraduate Program in Energy at UFES, campus São Mateus- ES, namely: Adriano Fazolo Nardoto - titled in 2016; Carlos Roberto Coutinho- titled in 2016; Alan Patrick da Silva Siqueira- titled in 2018; Nelson Henrique Bertollo Santana- titled in 2018

In 2015, graduates of the Postgraduate Program in Energy, UFES, São Mateus-ES campus, together with other professors Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes) – São Mateus-ES Campus developed a research nucleus - Study and Research Center in Energy – NEPE. The group operates in two main lines of research: alternative energies and energy efficiency. More details about the beginning, work and researchers involved can be found on the group's website:

NEPE – Energy Studies and Research Center is made up of 8 researchers. 60% of NEPE members are graduates of the Postgraduate Program in Energy at UFES, Campus São Mateus-ES, namely: Adriano Fazolo Nardoto; Aloisio Ramos da Paixão; Carlos Roberto Coutinho, Nelson Henrique Bertollo Santa and Wilson Obéd Emmer.

NEPE is responsible for the project of a Solar Photovoltaic Plant within the IFES Campus of São Mateus-ES. This work has professional participation from graduates of our master's degree in energy. 720 photovoltaic panels are installed, in an area of approximately 3 thousand square meters, with the possibility of future expansion. The work is a partnership with the Montanha and Nova Venécia campuses and will provide savings of more than 40% for each of the three campuses.

Among the work developed in the Energy Program, the dissertations of the Students stand out: Adriano Fazolo Nardoto, Carlos Roberto Coutinho; Aloizio Ramos da Paixão; which are directly related to the work carried out by the nucleus. Information available on the NEPE website (

In 2019, the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Energy and Sustainability at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) began. Between 2011 and 2016, Prof. Leonardo da Silva Arrieche, was a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Energy at UFES. With his redistribution to UNILA, the professor contributed with his experience at PPGEN/UFES to create a new Energy program at UNILA. Professor Leonardo da Silva Arrieche is the current coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Energy and Sustainability at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA).


PPGEN has become known to its target audience through different means: website, fairs and technology weeks, symposiums, engineering weeks, national and international congresses and by students and graduates. The program page states:
- the program evaluation forms (previous three years);
- the English language version
- the Spanish version is in progress;
- information about the history and contextualization of the program;
- the evolution and self-evaluation of the Program;
- the lines of research and respective research projects;
- your teachers with a link to the Lattes and Orcid Curriculum Teachers;
- students with registration date, projects and lines of research to which they belong;
- the subjects with syllabi and their respective responsible;
- the faculty selection criteria and student;
- publications and patents can be evidenced through the link lattes of each professor;
- details about scientific initiation and post-doctoral students.
The program also created a profile on social networks such as face book and Instagram to publicize defenses , selection process and other highlights related to the program’s actions.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910